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Morning Prayer
If you are using a screenreader you will find a text only version if you scroll to the bottom of the page.
Audio version provided by Bill Shaw
Prayers prayed:
We praise You, Lord, because we are ALL fearfully and wonderfully made.
In our Father’s house there is room for all, there are no rejects.
There are no able-bodied, there are no disabled:
there are only His beloved children
who are all made in His image.
We are beautiful in His eyes.
We believe Jesus himself ascended in to heaven,
carrying his wounds on our behalf.
Jesus does not hide these wounds:
they carry no shame for him but he shows
them to us willingly as proof of his eternal love.
He calls us this morning to do the same,
to stand before him in our brokenness
trusting in him for our care.
I hear footsteps in the garden and I know my Lord is near
and He calls me by name saying
“why are you hiding from me, why are you hiding from me,
why do you hide from Me when I love you so”?
Those who cannot see he walks along side as our guide.
He whispers softly to those who cannot hear.
He soothes those whose minds are troubled.
He rides with those who cannot walk.
He sees the pain of those whose pain cannot be seen
and brings insight to those who appear not to understand.
He is at the heart of every lonely room
and is present in every stranger who sits at our hearth.
His love is new every morning.
His love does not depend on our fragile form.
His love is enough for this coming day.
We accept the calling to bring that love to those we meet today:
Lord when I hear you calling help me to say here I am.
Only You can meet the longing of my heart.
Only You knows every hidden part.
Show me the gifts I have
Show me the gift I am
Let my whole life be lived in love of You
Bringing great joy to Your Heart.
We rejoice in the gift of this new day
The light of your presence O God
Set our hearts on fire with love for you
Now and forever